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Our Mission

Talkative Tots will provide a positive atmosphere/platform where you can learn evidence-based information and proven strategies to help encourage and improve your child’s speech language and social skills. 

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What we offer

Kid Painting


This valuable information is presented to you by 2 speech pathologists with 60 years of combined experience servicing children with speech/language delays and deficits in their social skills.

Kids Running


Our goal is to deliver a positive coaching atmosphere that will provide helpful strategies and empower parents and caregivers. This program will support and enhance your child’s overall speech and language development in simple everyday routines and activities.

Kids Running

Our Courses

We will provide parent-friendly easy-to-follow videos to effectively engage your child in play while encouraging their speech and language skills. Parents and caregivers will be able to learn how to incorporate methods to promote their child’s language in the everyday routines and experiences that they encounter in school and at home.

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a descriptive video on How to use Bubbles to foster your child's language development

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